Visit Nepal 2020. "Naturally Nepal Once is not enough"

Trekking in Nepal


Namaste from Nepal!!!


There is a reason why Nepal is one of the most popular destinations for nature filled activities and that is the beautiful relationship among a human being and the most amazing great Himalayas here in Nepal.  It may be too obvious to speak about the beautiful natural scenery; however the reason is enough to visit Nepal.

Nepal - Home to the Himalayas and one of the greatest mountains in the world. The Himalayas here provide lifetime experience to its guest through it’s adventurous and mountaineering experience, and Trekking is one of the popular activities here in Nepal as it offers you to experience the beautiful composition of scenic views, different variance in flora and fauna, cultural mosaic and if you are lucky enough the great mighty Himalayas. Nepal has some of the best treks in the world i.e. Everest Base camp trek, Annapurna circuit but that is not all, as there is whole lot more than that. So let’s cover some of the essential content while trekking in Nepal.

Things to know for Trekking: Trekking is not just all about enjoying the beautiful mountains but it is also a long, hard but a very memorable adventure if we are well aware about the situations and be ready to face them. Trekking involves walking in different terrains and the journey might feel tiresome or exhausting at times, various uncertain situations might arise.  So these are some of the ways how we can be prepared for it and can enjoy the whole experience:


  • Physical fitness/Mental fitness: Travelers are recommended to follow some form of physical exercise (cardio is highly recommended) as the activity involves walking for few hours duration depending upon he destination. Travelers should also be prepared mentally as when you start your adventure you will be exposed to countries diverse culture, different geographical location, cuisine and more which might be totally variant what we are used to.We recommend travelers to follow few exercising routines and be prepared mentally by being open to any culture and have a learning attitude as well as respect for local culture.


  • Altitude sickness: Trekking in Nepal mostly includes travelling in high altitude, Not all but few people might face altitude sickness (negative effect of high altitude, caused by rapid exposure to low amount of oxygen at high elevation, Symptoms may include dizziness, headaches, tiredness,  vomiting e.t.c).We can prevent or may be prepared for altitude sickness by these methods – Pre-acclimatization, ascending slowly, medications, altitude acclimatization and more.


  • Respecting Local Culture: As we have mentioned before travelers will be  exposed to a variant local culture, where the people are waiting to welcome you with their ear to ear smile and their customary greeting style Namaste(Divine in me bows to the divine in you). We recommend all the travelers to be open and maintain a healthy learning attitude to the new environment, people, food, accommodation, culture, belief, and their values.


  • First aid: There are few Medical shops along the travelling routes, therefore we do recommend you to carry a first aid kit and be familiar with the possible problems before hand. We will cover about medications and necessary precautions to be taken care of in detail, in our next blog.


  • Guides and porters: Do you need a guide or a porter while trekking?? Well it’s possible to trek to some of the popular trekking destinations in Nepal but not all of it, as you would require a guide and porter to travel to some restrictive areas. And the other question is “do we really need a guide” well the answer is it is totally up to the travelers either to travel on their own or with a experienced guide. As an experienced guide will most importantly play it’s role by guiding you through the path and various juction or crossroads which  occur often in the nature forest while travelling. Guide will help travelers to better understand about the local culture, provide information’s about various flora and fauna, geographical diversity, face uncertain situation in the nature like weather conditions, hotel, transport accommodations and many many more. Hiring a guide is also recommendable as most of the people follow occupation of a guide, so hiring them is also a way to respect their work and supporting them.


  • Knowledge about weather: Nepal has variances in its climate according to the season as it includes monsoon, summer, winter where travelers should be well aware about and be prepared for it. Nepal is open and provides different experience in each different season but we also should be very well knowledged about  how to be prepared for it.

People just do not travel to Nepal for mountains but to experience life in a different perspective as our guest can experience authentic lifestyle where the people are eagerly waiting to welcome you with a warm heart, beautiful smile, selfless love and their hospitality.

In brief it’s hard to explain adequately about the moments and the emotions, but to understand Nepal you have to experience it yourself.

To help traveler’s experience all  that Nepal is famous for, Moonline Tours has put together a complete set of packages and activities  so we at Moonline Tours welcome all the beautiful travelers to enjoy the most authentic, natured filled once in a lifetime experience.